Flowmeter Setting Zero Point
Note: (Flowmeter must be set to zero first after installation)
Because of the self-weight of capacitive force transducer and blocker, it is not in horizontal position when flowmeter is installed.
In this case, it is necessary to reset the zero of the flowmeter. Operating procedures are as follows: (also can be placed directly in the pipeline without medium flow, high-temperature and low-temperature flowmeters must make the temperature in the pipeline reach zero after working temperature)
A. Close the valve downstream of the flowmeter;
B. Slowly open the upstream valve of the flowmeter to fill the flowmeter with medium.
C. Slowly open the downstream valve of the flowmeter to make the flowmeter run for about 10 minutes.
D. Close the upstream and downstream valves of the flowmeter and determine that the flow in the pipeline is zero.
E. Put your finger at position'<'not less than 3S:
次序 |
操作方式(shì) |
功能說明 |
1 |
按“<”鍵(jiàn)3S |
将顯示之前零點E1值(zhí) |
2 |
再次“<”鍵3S |
保存當前(qián)零(líng)點E1值 |
3 |
按“SET”鍵 |
退出置零點狀态 |
order |
Operation mode |
Function description |
1 |
Press'<'key 3S |
The previous zero E1 value will be displayed |
2 |
Again, "<" key 3S |
Save the current zero E1 value |
3 |
Press the SET key |
Exit Zero State |
質量流量計直接測量(liàng)通過(guò)流量計的介質的質量流量,還可測(cè)量介(jiè)質的密度及(jí)間接測(cè)量介質的溫度。由于變送器(qì)是以單片(piàn)機爲核心(xīn)的智能儀表,因此可根據上述三(sān)個基本量而導出多種參數供用戶使用(yòng)。 質量流量計組(zǔ)态靈活,功能強大,性能價格比高,是新一代(dài)流量儀表。
查看産(chǎn)品智能(néng)流量計以其特有的抗幹擾、抗雜質性能,除能替代常規(guī)流量所能測量(liàng)的流(liú)量計量問題,尤其在高粘度、髒(zāng)污介質、易凝易堵、高溫、低溫、強腐蝕(shí)等流量計量困難的工況中具有很(hěn)好(hǎo)的适應性。 ◆ 管(guǎn)徑範圍寬(kuān):Φ15~Φ3000至更大; ◆ 溫度範圍廣:-20 ~ 500℃; ◆ 适用多種介質:氣體、蒸汽; ◆ 适用于低流速介質,其(qí)可測量最低流速爲0.08m/s。
查看産品電磁流量(liàng)計(jì)是20世紀50~60年(nián)代随着電子技(jì)術(shù)的發展而迅速發(fā)展起來的新(xīn)型流量測量儀表。 電磁流量計是應用電磁感(gǎn)應原理, 根據導(dǎo)電流體通過外加磁(cí)場時感生的電動勢來測量(liàng)導電流體流(liú)量的一種儀器。